Chevron AGM 2008 Action
28 May 2008
In a dramatic face-to-face showdown at Chevron's annual general meeting, victims of the company's grave human rights abuses from three continents today told shareholders and senior executives that the oil major must live up to its corporate rhetoric on human rights and the environment, and also take decisive action to make amends to the communities it has devastated.
Community representatives from Burma, Ecuador and Nigeria traveled for days to participate in the meeting as proxy shareholders, calling on Chevron CEO David O'Reilly to stop hiding behind lawyers and PR misinformation, and to recognize and rectify the suffering the company has caused.
Atossa Soltani of Amazon Watch introduces the delegations that will go into the Chevron 2008 AGM
Emergildo in San Francisco confronting Chevron
Emergildo speaks to members of the press in front of San Francisco City Hall
San Francisco City Hall
City Hall, San Francisco press conference on May 27th
Mitch Anderson interviewed at Chevron
The protestors outside Chevron Headquarters
Atossa Soltani, Luis Yanza and Emergildo Criollo prepare to take on the Chevron board
The delegation from Ecuador is escorted onto Chevron property
Emergildo entering Chevron Headquarters
Atossa Soltani guides the delegation into Chevron's AGM
The Ecuador delegation and Amazon Watch registering at the entrance to Chevron's AGM at Chevron headquarters in San Ramon
The crowd prepares for clean up Chevron theatrics
Kevin Koenig of Amazon Watch speaks to the crowd outside the Chevron AGM
Paul Paz y Miño of Amazon Watch sends a message to Chevron
Protestors reach out to the passing traffic at the AGM
Protestors Call on Chevron to Clean up Ecuador
Protestors in HAZMAT suits assemble on Chevron grounds
Protestors march along Chevron Drive in San Ramon
Protestors send a message to the shareholders outside Chevron AGM
Protestors march around Chevron grounds in San Ramon with stock tickers depicting that Chevron's stock goes up as quality of life goes down
Protestors dressed in HAZMAT suits outside the Chevron AGM role play amidst toxic waste
Luis Yanza and Emergildo meet the press
Protestor from Grandmothers for the Preservation of the Amazon has a message for Chevron
The delegations from Ecuador, Nigeria and Burma returning from inside the Chevron 2008 AGM
Mitch Anderson of Amazon Watch interpreting for Emergildo
Larry Bowoto and Atossa Soltani
Emergildo and Larry in Solidarity
Mercedes Jaramillo who lives in the affected region in Nothern Ecuador speaks about her health crisis and the unsympathetic Chevron reaction
Luis Yanza of the FRENTE in Ecuador speaks about the crude attitude from the CEO of Chevron
Atossa Soltani and Luis Yanza of the FRENTE
Atossa Soltani, Amazon Watch speaks to the rally after confronting the Chevron Board and Shareholders
Larry Bowoto a Nigerian plaintiff in the landmark case: Bowoto v. Chevron with his attorneys at the Chevron AGM
The Paparazzi at Chevron Headquarters, San Ramon CA
Emergildo Criollo of the Cofan affected people in Northern Ecuador reports back after speaking to the Chevron Board and Shareholders
Reporting back from within the Chevron AGM; Pat Doherty of NYC public pension funds and Larry Fahn of As You Sow, representing the Sierra Club